A devastating injury took all things CthePower down. Now, I am breathing with a renewed sense of purpose, Grateful, Hopeful, Vigilant~

A Newest Revolution is …







The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds.  R. D. Laing

As soon as you notice an issue, you have changed it forever.  It is the most amazing concept of quantum mechanics that observation changes what we look at.   It takes just tiny changes within our complex system to result in outcomes impossible to predict.

As a human race, we are confronted with phenomenal opportunities and with great possibilities given the changes we humans have introduced into the complex ecosystem known as Planet Earth.

We are unable to alter the circumstances surrounding a particular problem as long as we are unaware.

While you may not be in a position to make changes in our human community right away; your knowing about an issue contributes to a change in the collective unconscious.

Circumstances will then arise where you can make a difference in the consciousness of a family member, a friend, a neighbor or a whole group of individuals; although it  may take weeks or years to manifest.  Seeds take time to germinate … truth will always grow.

The illusions we have been handed for generations are beginning to fall away and there is a light being shone on these issues that grows brighter everyday.

My purpose in developing  this site (beyond it’s initial use) was to provide a comprehensive overview of some important issues I’ve begun to understand and share that knowledge with those who have less time to sift through the tremendous glut of material available.  Many friends have helped to put together the “cream” for each issue.  I encourage my readers to dig deeper on issues close to their hearts.

With that said, as this website is rebuilt, you will find educational materials on several subjects; GMOs, Fluoridation, Vaccines,  “Chemtrails”  and much more under RABBIT HOLE EXPEDITIONS in the main menu.

 This is your chance to become part of the solution.

Learn; then  TAKE ACTION on an issue

Learn; then make Healthy Choices for yourself.

When a certain critical number achieves an awareness, this new awareness may be communicated from mind to mind and there is a point at which if only one more person tunes-in to a new awareness, a field is strengthened so that this awareness is picked up by almost everyone!  The collective conscience can be changed to create a better world for us all.

Pick something you are passionate about and get involved.

Time, if it ever was a luxury, is not a luxury for us anymore. 

Just by being here, you have changed the awareness level of mankind. We shouldn’t need to be a society that sees intrigue and scheming at every turn, but we do need to be aware of the deceit that exists around us.

Our governments across the world have been tampering with what was already made perfect by our creator. It is time to take it back!

”In the time уουr planet аnd people need уου mοѕt …. wіll уου stand up fοr the Light аnd fοr God, οr bе ѕіlеnt аnd immobile аnd thus, allow atrocities against humanity tο continue bесаυѕе уου didn’t want уουr illusionary life tο bе disturbed οr inconvenienced?”


The Creation Must Always Serve the Creator

In our fear, we have found it easiest to ignore the truth.  We must come to realize the damage our ignorance has done, not just to our own lives but to the rest of the world.

We have strayed far and long from the ultimate human truth and the truth of an idea on which my great nation was born.  This idea that has yet to be fully understood, so it has not yet become a reality.

I speak to the people of this beautiful earth, but more specifically to the people of these United States; this idea of all men being equal must evolve from a mere understanding, into a knowing.  We must understand it at the core of our being; we are all the same under our skin, beyond our beliefs of God, beyond the influence of culture, our hearts beat the same and we have the same love for our children as every other human.

We must correct our mistake of looking the other way and take action.

The earth and the universe are the creation of God; the world we live in, our societies, are the creation of We the People.

We are creators; and, government is our creation. The creation must always serve the creator just as man will always serve God and never the other way around. It is the only rule that has been handed to us by God; it is therefore the first and most important rule; the creation must always serve the creator. If it does not, then change is required.

Revolution is a higher Evolution of

Love’s Solution

If re-posting materials from this website, please provide a link back to CthePower.  Thank you in advance.